Super choice

For more information about super choice phone Suncoast Financial Services, Financial Advisers in COTTON TREE.

Many Australians are now free to choose their own superannuation funds instead of automatically becoming members of their employer fund. This is known as super choice, or choice of fund.

But what does it really mean for you and what difference does it make?

Common questions to consider

Some questions you may wish to consider include:

  • What is a choice of fund?
  • Am I eligible to choose my super fund?
  • If I am eligible for Choice, what do I do?
  • If I am eligible for Choice, what should I expect from my employer?
  • What’s in the Standard Choice Form?
  • What funds are eligible Choice Funds?
  • What is a ‘default’ fund?
  • What happens if my employer doesn’t make contributions to the fund I choose?
  • What are my opportunities if I am eligible for Choice?
  • What happens if I don’t make a choice or make an invalid choice?
  • When will my employer start making payments into my Choice Fund?
  • Can my employer reject my choice of super fund?
  • How often can I switch to another super fund?

How we can help

We can:

  • Advise if choice of superannuation fund laws affect you.
  • Review the performance of your current superannuation provider in relation to your goals including how close you are to retirement.
  • Make recommendations about your super arrangements, based on your goals and circumstances.
  • Recommend alternative fund providers – superannuation products.
  • Review any insurance opportunities including buying insurance through your superannuation fund.

What to do next

For more information about super choice phone Suncoast Financial Services, Financial Advisers in COTTON TREE on 07 5443 8312.

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