5 reasons why investors should consider infrastructure

Infrastructure offers a range of investment characteristics that can be particularly attractive in the low interest rate and volatile market conditions we have seen in recent times. Clients tell us they like its attractive, consistent returns and yield; defensive characteristics; and diversification benefits. Infrastructure is also becoming more accessible to retail investors. In the past, high quality unlisted infrastructure assets were usually only available to large institutional investors but now mums and dads can own their own piece of Melbourne Airport or UK rolling stock company Angel Trains.

Below are five reasons why investors should consider infrastructure.

Attractive, consistent returns

Infrastructure offers the potential for attractive, consistent returns through market cycles. This is because infrastructure assets are often essential to the day-to-day operation of our society such as the provision of water or electricity and gas. Due to the nature of the essential services they provide, these types of assets are often less influenced by economic factors than many other businesses. In addition, infrastructure assets often enjoy the protection of monopolies, or operate in markets where the barriers to entry are high, meaning they are often free from the competitive pressures faced by many more traditional companies.

It can help investors meet their income goals

Infrastructure assets can provide consistent, long-term income yields because their revenues are often underpinned by regulation or by long-term contracts with highly creditworthy counterparties (which can often include governments). Consequently, infrastructure assets may offer a high level of security with regards their future revenues. Infrastructure asset revenues are also often linked to inflation, which can help investors protect against erosion of the value of their investment by inflation over time.

It’s a defensive play

Infrastructure generally, and unlisted infrastructure particularly, can play an important role for long-term investors due to the stability it can provide within a diversified investment portfolio and the visibility of the income streams it generates. In a low interest rate environment where the outlook for total return appears compressed, asset classes that exhibit defensive characteristics with an attractive and stable income profile are obvious candidates for a long-term investment strategy.

The world needs more and updated infrastructure

Infrastructure is an investment thematic that will continue to play out because the need for infrastructure is a never-ending cycle. Growing populations need to be supported by additional infrastructure while ageing infrastructure needs to be periodically upgraded or replaced. Investment in infrastructure helps stimulate sustainable, long-term economic growth, which then creates a further need for infrastructure. Ultimately, infrastructure promotes higher living standards as it fosters economic growth and creates jobs. A McKinsey report estimates that US$57 trillion of global investment in infrastructure will be required by 2030.

Active management of infrastructure assets

AMP Capital has an active asset management philosophy when it comes to the management of the unlisted infrastructure assets it invests in. AMP Capital employs asset managers who have had extensive senior level industry experience. In addition, AMP Capital seeks to ensure that the overall stake under its control is sufficient to allow for significant influence over the future direction of the business. This would typically involve representation on the boards of the businesses. AMP Capital has a high level of involvement in these businesses, with a view to driving returns and managing risk for the benefit of investors.

If you would like to discuss anything in this article, please call us on 07 5443 8312.

Source: AMP Capital 16 June 2017

Author:  John Julian, Portfolio Manager, Core Infrastructure Fund, AMP Capital

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